Where Do My PTSA Contributions Go?

This series of articles explains what the LWHS PTSA does and where contributions to the PTSA go. The PTSA funds student programs, events, and grants to teachers for professional training and classroom supplies–all to benefit the educational experience. These programs are funded by parent contributions. Due to a decline in contributions this year, programs like these are at risk for future funding. 

Feb 21 installment: Spanish classroom materials and library books

As our school continues to grow, classes are being added to meet the needs and interests of the students. An example of this is the Spanish for Heritage Learners class established in the fall of 2020. This class provides an opportunity for native Spanish speakers to develop literacy skills in Spanish that can be applied in core classes such as English and history. A grant from the PTSA funded the purchase of a set of novels. For most of the students, this was the first time they had read a book in Spanish. Many of them were surprised to learn that they are capable of reading novels in Spanish and consequently felt a big sense of accomplishment.

The following year, a PTSA grant funded the purchase of over 30 books to add to the class library. Providing a variety of high-interest books to read during the silent, sustained reading time at the beginning of each class helped the students to grow more confident in their ability to read Spanish. The graphic novels were especially popular with students.

PTSA has also funded general book purchases for the LWHS library for many years in a row. These books expose our students to a broader set of ideas, experiences and opinions, expanding their educational experience.

These programs reflect PTSA’s impact on the educational experience. Tune into future issues of the Kang Crier to learn about how PTSA funded over 30 teacher classroom grants this year, additional investments in classroom materials, suicide awareness training, and much more!

PTSA fundraising declined this school year. If you are able to make a contribution, please follow the "Pass the Pouch" directions on our website. Thank you for your support!

Feb 7th installment - ACT/SAT Practice Tests & College Application Workshops

One example of how PTSA ensures our Juniors and Seniors are prepared for the college application process involves two programs: ACT/SAT Practice Tests and College Application Workshops. 

Free ACT and SAT Practice Tests are open to all students four times during the school year. “We average 76 students each testing period who take advantage of the free practice tests. In addition, there has been a trend of sophomores signing up to begin their practice well in advance,” said Janet Smith, ACT/SAT Program Lead.

Free help on the college application process is another key investment from the PTSA. “We just concluded our 8th year of helping students with their college essays,” said Judy Shedd, College Application Workshop Program Lead. “We trained coaches to assist our students in writing their essays and were able to hold 66 sessions with students this year alone.”

These two programs reflect PTSA's impact on the educational experience. Tune into future issues of the Kang Crier to learn about how PTSA funded over 30 teacher classroom grants this year, additional investments in classroom materials, band equipment, and much more!

PTSA fundraising declined this school year. If you are able to make a contribution, please follow the "Pass the Pouch" directions on our website. Thank you for your support!