School Support

Emergency Prep
Emergency Prep


PTSA funds emergency prep supplies, such as food, water and emergency equipment in the event of an earthquake or other emergency. "Lockdown buckets" were added to classrooms in 2013-2014 with emergency supplies and a make-shift toilet, in the event of a lockdown where students are held in place for a length of time.
School Beautification
School Beautification

Year round

The goals of our team are:
- To help beautify and maintain different garden beds around the school in order to create a more pleasing environment in which our students and staff will spend their school days. 
- To give all students opportunities to learn about gardening and earn service hours by helping at Beautification Days. 
- To work with students in the Urban Gardening classes to give them more hands on learning opportunities with gardening.
Staff Appreciation
Staff Appreciation

Year Round

To thank our hardworking teachers and staff, the PTSA puts on special events, such as luncheons, treats in the mailbox, etc.

Ad Hoc



The LWHS PTSA collects nominations each May from parents, students, staff, and the LWHS community, and announces award recipients in June.

Awards include:
The Golden Acorn Award (a volunteer who goes above and beyond in serving the LWHS students and community),
The Outstanding Educator Award (a LWHS staff member who exemplifies commitment and excellence in education),
The Outstanding Advocate Award (adult individuals for their continued and dedicated service to ALL children), and
The Outstanding Student Advocate Award (a student who has made significant contributions through leadership and service)
Financial Review
Financial Review


Review LWHS PTSA Treasurer's books. January and July.
Nominating Committee
Nominating Committee

November - February

Recruit and vet candidates and submit slate for next year's Executive Committee. November - February time frame, training is available.
Open Positions With LWHS PTSA
Open Positions With LWHS PTSA


Open positions with LWHS PTSA.

Contact us if you are interested or have any questions about any of these.

Student Programs

College Application Workshop
College Application Workshop

October - May

Fall: Trained volunteers help students with their college application essays, personal statements, and supplements. Please check the Kang Crier for further details.


Reflections is an opportunity for students to showcase their creative expression and/or gain creative experience in the field of arts. This year’s theme is "I Matter Because...". The deadline for entries is 11/2. All grades and abilities are encouraged to participate. Before starting, read the CHECKLIST FOR SUCCESS for important information. Download the STUDENT ENTRY FORM (SPANISH VERSION ). Rules and requirements for LITERATURE, DANCE CHOREOGRAPHY, MUSIC COMPOSITION, PHOTOGRAPHY, VISUAL ARTS (2D only), SPECIAL ARTIST and FILM PRODUCTION.

SAT/ACT Practice Tests
SAT/ACT Practice Tests

Throughout the year

Information about the SAT and ACT Practice Tests for 2021-2022 will be coming soon.

Due to COVID, the SAT and ACT practice tests were conducted “online only” in 2020-2021.

These practice tests are offered by Princeton Review and are taken from original SAT/ACT tests from past years. They are a great way for your student to get comfortable with the format and style of the SAT or ACT. A strategy session by Princeton Review provides tips and tricks for better performance in the actual test.

Don’t miss this opportunity. Take the test for Free! Register before October 6th!

Click here for additional information and click here for registration instructions.

Questions? Email
Senior Farewell (Baccalaureate)
Senior Farewell (Baccalaureate)


Senior Farewell is a celebration of our graduating seniors and their families. Sponsored by the LWHS PTSA, Senior Farewell is free of charge. More info here
Senior Party
Senior Party


Senior party was created to provide a safe and fun way for seniors to celebrate their graduation. Takes place the evening of graduation. Tickets are on sale January through the first of June. See more details on the text to display Senior Party Information page.

Community Outreach




Provides refreshments for PTSA sponsored events.
Coffee with Christine
Coffee with Christine


Join the LWHS PTSA for a cup of coffee and an opportunity to ask Principal Christine Bell your questions! It's a great way to find out what's going on at school, you'll be amazed by all of the good information you will learn. Meet other parents and see what LWHS looks like during the school day. Check the Kang Crier for dates and more information. In the Spring, we will hold a coffee oriented towards incoming parents, but current LW parents are encouraged to attend and help orient the new parents.
Family and Community Engagement
Family and Community Engagement

Lake Washington Schools Foundation Ambassador
Lake Washington Schools Foundation Ambassador


The LWSF Ambassador is the link between the Foundation and the Ambassador’s school community. LWSF raises funds to support academic excellence and success for all students in the Lake Washington School District. To learn more about the position click here.
LWHS Parent Pledge
LWHS Parent Pledge


In conjunction with The National PTA Alcohol and Drug Free Resolution and the Washington State PTA, The LWHS PTSA is introducing the Parent Pledge Program to achieve the following goals:
- To build a communication network to reduce the use of alcohol and other drugs among teens in our school and community.
- To host only Alcohol-Free, Tobacco-Free and Drug-Free parties for teens.
- To not allow teens to possess or consume alcohol, tobacco or other drugs at their homes; and
- To discourage their teens from attending unsupervised parties.
Sign the Pledge more info


This committee handles the PTSA membership drive at the beginning of the year. We are striving for 100% membership! Use the Join PTSA & Donate link in the sidebar to support our students.
New Family and International Outreach
New Family and International Outreach


Work to welcome all new families to the LWHS community, including those from elsewhere in the U.S. and from foreign nations. Promote that inviting Kang spirit and encourage folks less familiar with the U.S. school system to jump on in as they wish.
Parent Education
Parent Education

Special Needs Liaison (IEP/504)
Special Needs Liaison (IEP/504)


Provides a bridge between the PTSA and the Special Needs community. Please see the Lake Washington PTSA Council’s website in the link below for monthly meeting dates and topics, as well as many different resources for parents with children on IEPs and 504s. Some resources apply to all students and some to certain disabilities.
Parents of 8th graders and high school students should also read "Getting Ready for College for students with IEPs or 504 Plans." This document is a summary to assist parents in assessing the differences in requesting accommodations for the ACT, the College Board's PSAT, SAT and AP (Advanced Placement) tests. In addition to working closely with a student's high school's Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) Coordinator, we strongly recommend all families review each organization's detailed websites before beginning the formal application process.

Volunteer Coordinator
Volunteer Coordinator

Throughout the school year

Maintain list of district-approved volunteers. Run reports of volunteers from the PTSA website and send specific lists of district-approved volunteers to appropriate committee chairs and board members. Assist committee chairs and board members in recruiting (district-approved) volunteers for PTSA activities and student and staff organized events as needed (generally via Sign-up Genius).


Kang Crier Newsletter
Kang Crier Newsletter


This bi-weekly newsletter keeps families up to date on what's going at LWHS. Emailed directly to every parent/guardian. Questions about Kang Crier, email

To sign up or read archived newsletters, click here.
Student Directory
Student Directory


Every PTSA member has access to the student directory. Every student is included in the directory unless they have filled out and turned in the "Request to Prevent Disclosure of Directory Information" form in the first day packet.


LWHS PTSA website allows parents to join PTSA, donate to our "Pass the Pouch" fundraiser online, and purchase senior party tickets using PayPal. No more forms to fill out and checks to write!

The website also allows for electronic signup for volunteering for PTSA events and programs; provides a source of information about PTSA and important school events; and has links to many other resources.


Pass the Pouch
Pass the Pouch


Pass the Pouch is the only fundraiser for LWHS PTSA and each year we depend on this fundraiser for our entire operating budget. Your donation helps support essential programs and provides teacher grants to enrich our students' education.
-Enrichment grants, Need-based Grants, ASB Club Grants, and Scholarships - $22,275
- Funds for vital emergency preparedness supplies
-$4,000 in Sheeley Scholarships to graduating seniors
-Senior Party and Senior Salute - to celebrate our graduates
-Staff Appreciation
-Financial support for Student Supplies, Reflections, Back to School Picnic and more!
To donate, just click on the "Join PTSA/Pass the Pouch" icon on the Home page of this website. Thank you!

Pass the Pouch


One-Time Volunteering Needs
One-Time Volunteering Needs

Year round

These volunteer opportunities come up throughout the year. Help out LWHS PTSA or LWHS staff for short periods of time during programs or events.


Health Room Supplies
Health Room Supplies

Throughout the school year

This volunteer will purchase supplies for the health room (i.e. snacks, bottled water and juice) with PTSA funds and drop them off at the school's main office as needed throughout the year.
Replenish Tissues
Replenish Tissues

All Year

This volunteer will purchase tissue boxes at Costco with PTSA funds and bring to school as needed throughout the year.