In April, the PTSA Board requested input from all seniors and their families on how best to honor our graduating seniors during the Covid-19 experience. Thank you to the 137 families who responded to our survey!

As a reminder, many customary events which include the graduation ceremony, Senior Sunset and the moving up assembly, are rightfully the exclusive responsibility of the school administration, staff and/or district and not of the PTSA. They are working hard to find solutions and we will continue to work in coordination with them. 

The PTSA organizes and facilitates the Senior Salute and Grad Night party which were the main focus of our survey. Below is a summary of the results;

Senior Salute (137 Responses)

When asked what seniors and their families wanted in regards to Senior Salute:

42% wanted a virtual AND a postponed live Senior Salute

33% wanted a postponed live Senior Salute

16% wanted a virtual Senior Salute

8% were not interested in a virtual or a postponed live Senior Salute

(numbers were rounded and do not add up to 100%)

Regarding potential postponed event:

77% wanted the event to occur in July or August 2020

8% wanted the event to occur in December 2020

Grad Night Party (137 Responses)*

When asked what seniors and their families wanted in regards to a Grad Night Party:

65% would participate in a postponed party in July or August 2020

22% did not want to participate in a postponed party

7% would participate in a postponed party in December 2020

(numbers were rounded and do not add up to 100%)

 Summary of Most Popular Additional Suggestions (64 Responses)

The survey asked seniors and families for additional ideas, and the following top suggestions were made:

18 wanted a live graduation ceremony

8 wanted a variety of virtual memories

7 wanted a live event of some kind, kind of an alternate ceremony

5 wanted Senior Sunset

5 wanted a parade/drive-by

4 wanted to walk the hallways one last time to say goodbye to teachers

4 wanted prom

4 wanted a walk-through or some event on the LW football field

Moving Forward/Help Needed

It is apparent that many families want to experience live events if public health guidelines allow. The PTSA Board is keenly interested in helping to facilitate as much as is possible if/when the Governor allows for such gatherings. A lot of help will be needed to plan and define in which form(s) these might happen and execute these events. We will be reaching out to those of you who expressed interest in helping on the survey.

If you would like to help and did not already express interest, please email PTSA VP for School Support Anne Buck.